Laurea honoris causa for Roberto Ruffino
On Monday April 21st, 2008 the Secretary General of Intercultura in Italy, Roberto Ruffino has been granted an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Education Sciences. The ceremony, took place in the impressive ancient Main Hall of the University of Padua, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe, established in 1222. It is the first time ever that an Italian University grants such an award.
This award is a well-earned recognition of Roberto Ruffino’s lifelong dedication to intercultural education through youth exchange programs. Roberto Ruffino is internationally recognized as an expert of the field.
In his master doctorate lecture, The Traveller’s Compass, Roberto Ruffino focussed on the meaning of intercultural dialogue and on the mission of AFS.
The AFS world is proud of the outstanding accomplishments by Roberto Ruffino and extends its congratulations.
Original version in Italian