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Maurizio Stecco ci ha lasciato
Siamo in lutto per l’improvvisa scomparsa di Maurizio Stecco, amico della Fondazione AFS fin dalla sua nascita.
In Memoriam Jürgen H. Blankenburg
Today, we lost a true friend, a visionary and a firm believer in youth exchange, an ardent supporter of young people and of the arts.
Ward Chamberlin dies at 95
We are deeply saddened by the passing of a very dear friend and colleague.
New faces on the Foundation Board
Anouk Dutruit and Christian Werle elected last September…
Rededication of the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial
One of those pioneers was James Rogers McConnell, he joined the Escadrille exactly one hundred years ago today.
Don Mohanlal Receives Inaugural Global Influential Leaders Award
We are proud and most warmly congratulate our longtime friend and Board member Don “Mohan” Mohanlal for this outstanding award.
Steve Wallace joins AFS Foundation Board
At its June 16th, 2015 meeting the Foundation Board unanimously elected Steven C. Wallace as independent Board member.
AFS Virtual Museum is online!
The Virtual Museum is the Foundation’s contribution to the AFS Centennial celebrations and went online today.
Un tirocinio alla Fondazione AFS
L’11 luglio della scorsa estate ho preso un treno da Domodossola …
“Master Ragaz”
Lucerne’s major cultural treasure available to a wide public …
Jurgen Blankenburg – Honorary President of the AFS Foundation
After eight years at the helm of the AFS Foundation, Jürgen Blankenburg has retired …
Ezio Vergani eletto a presidente della Fondazione AFS
Una scelta naturale
Ward Chamberlin’s 90th
Ward Chamberlin turned 90 on August 4th, 2011
Marianne Meyer receives AFS President’s Award 2010
The AFS Foundation is proud and honored that today its Vice President Marianne Meyer is receiving the AFS President’s Award.
An Art Connoisseur with a Sense of Initiative
After a lifetime devoted to the arts, Jürgen Blankenburg – a broad-minded, soft-spoken yet resolute gentleman – has been awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Federal Cross of Merit
Interview with APA’s great grand niece
Find out about APA and Red Roof
2008 Cassandra Pyle Award to Ward Chamberlin
NAFSA Presents Prestigious Awards at 2008 Annual Conference
Laurea honoris causa a Roberto Ruffino
Un leader imprenditoriale nel campo dell’educazione interculturale …
Ward Chamberlin to be honored with a 2008 Hubert H. Humphrey Public Leadership Award
Ward Chamberlin, Public Broadcasting pioneer and co-founder of AFS Intercultural programs, to be honored with a 2008 Hubert H. Humphrey
A. Piatt Andrew Papers
A. Piatt Andrew Papers
Dr. Werner A. Rechsteiner died
He was an AFSer through and through.